
(PECL ev >= 0.2.0)

Ev::runBegin checking for events and calling callbacks for the default loop


final public static Ev::run ( int $flags = ? ) : void

Begin checking for events and calling callbacks for the default loop . Returns when a callback calls Ev::stop() method, or the flags are nonzero(in which case the return value is true) or when there are no active watchers which reference the loop( EvWatcher::keepalive() is true), in which case the return value will be false. The return value can generally be interpreted as if true, there is more work left to do .



Optional parameter flags can be one of the following:

List for possible values of flags
flags Description
0 The default behavior described above
Ev::RUN_ONCE Block at most one(wait, but don't loop)
Ev::RUN_NOWAIT Don't block at all(fetch/handle events, but don't wait)

See the run flag constants .




  • Ev::stop() - Stops the default event loop
  • EvLoop::run() - Begin checking for events and calling callbacks for the loop

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