Wikipedia has a list of 8 or so variations on the last 2 characters in Base64 ( The following functions can handle all of them:
function base64_encode2($data, $a = "+/=") {
$l = strlen($a);
if ($l === 3) {
return strtr(base64_encode($data), "+/=", $a);
} else if ($l === 2) {
return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($data), "+/", $a), '=');
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Argument #2 must be 2 or 3 bytes.");
function base64_decode2($data, $strict = false, $a = "+/=") {
$l = strlen($a);
if ($l === 3) {
return base64_decode(strtr($data, $a, "+/="), $strict);
} else if ($l === 2) {
return base64_decode(strtr($data, $a, "+/"), $strict);
} else {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Argument #2 must be 2 or 3 bytes.");
Example usage:
$decoded = "ABC123";
$encoded = base64_encode2($decoded, "_:");
$decoded = base64_decode2($encoded, false, "_:");
$encoded = base64_encode($decoded, "-_")
$decoded = base64_decode($encoded, false, "-_");
$encoded = base64_encode2($decoded, ".-");
$decoded = base64_decode2($encoded, false, ".-");
$encoded = base64_encode2($decoded, "!-");
$decoded = base64_decode2($encoded, false, "!-");
$encoded = base64_encode2($decoded, "._-");
$decoded = base64_decode2($encoded, false, "._-");