
(PHP 5, PHP 7 < 7.4.0)

ibase_queryExecute a query on an InterBase database


ibase_query ( resource $link_identifier = ? , string $query , int $bind_args = ? ) : resource

Performs a query on an InterBase database.



An InterBase link identifier. If omitted, the last opened link is assumed.


An InterBase query.



If the query raises an error, returns false. If it is successful and there is a (possibly empty) result set (such as with a SELECT query), returns a result identifier. If the query was successful and there were no results, returns true.


In PHP 5.0.0 and up, this function will return the number of rows affected by the query for INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE statements. In order to retain backward compatibility, it will return true for these statements if the query succeeded without affecting any rows.


If you get some error like "arithmetic exception, numeric overflow, or string truncation. Cannot transliterate character between character sets" (this occurs when you try use some character with accents) when using this and after ibase_query() you must set the character set (i.e. ISO8859_1 or your current character set).


Example #1 ibase_query() example



$dbh ibase_connect($host$username$password);
$stmt 'SELECT * FROM tblname';

$sth ibase_query($dbh$stmt) or die(ibase_errmsg());



User Contributed Notes

coladict at gmail dot com 28-Aug-2015 11:18
Contrary to it's description, the function does not always execute the query, unless you try fetching the results. I discovered this through the following code:

= ibase_query($dbh,"SELECT boniid FROM PROC_INS_OBONI_DELIV_ADDBONITM ( ? , ? , ? , ? , null , ? )", $bon_id , $plucode2 , $amount , $note $discount);
$this->log_add(mb_convert_encoding("SELECT boniid FROM PROC_INS_OBONI_DELIV_ADDBONITM ( " . $bon_id . ", " . $plucode2 . ", " . $amount . ", " . $note . ", " . $nullparent . ", " . $discount . " )",'utf8','cp1251'));

                if (!
$errmsg = ibase_errmsg();

$this->log_add("Item (" . $mid . " - " . $plucode2 . ") : Error returned (" . __LINE__ . "): " . $errmsg);
"Error sending product ( $m_name). Error message:  $errmsg";

// item data does NOT enter the database if I don't call ibase_fetch_assoc
$row = ibase_fetch_assoc($result);

This problem may be limited to FireBird 1.5 or it may not be. Either way, be wary of it.
escoric at latinmail dot com 17-Aug-2004 10:43
/* If your work environment is windows */

$link=ibase_connect ($path, $usuario, $password, 'WIN1251');
chrisg at cordell dot com dot au 03-Jun-2004 11:57
Simple function to retrieve the results of an SQL statement into an array, will also cater for BLOB fields:

function interbase_sql_exec ($sql) {
$dataArr = array();
$host = "svrname:path\filename.GDB";
$username = "whatever";
$password = "******";
$connection = ibase_connect ($host, $username, $password,'ISO8859_1', '100', '1');
$rid = @ibase_query ($connection, $sql);
    if (
$rid===false) errorHandle(ibase_errmsg(),$sql);
$coln = ibase_num_fields($rid);
$blobFields = array();
    for (
$i=0; $i < $coln; $i++) {
$col_info = ibase_field_info($rid, $i);
        if (
$col_info["type"]=="BLOB") $blobFields[$i] = $col_info["name"];
    while (
$row = ibase_fetch_row ($rid)) {
        foreach (
$blobFields as $field_num=>$field_name) {
$blobid = ibase_blob_open($row[$field_num]);
$row[$field_num] = ibase_blob_get($blobid,102400);
$dataArr[] = $row;
ibase_close ($connection);
SenorTZ senortz at nospam dot yahoo dot com 24-Jul-2003 04:18
Two comments on interogating system tables in Interbase or Firebird; I hope it helps.

1. if you try to build a query string to extract data from a system table (that has the form "rdb$some_name"), you should divide the "rdb$some_name" table name in your query string using the string merge operator ".".
$query = "select rdb"."$"."relation_name as TABLE_NAME from rdb"."$"."relations where rdb"."$"."system_flag=0";

2. The second thing is related to the fact that you can later use (after the call to ibase_fetch_object) as field identifier the ALIAS used in the query for the "rdb$some_name" table.

$get_table_names_query = "select rdb"."$"."relation_name as TABLE_NAME from rdb"."$"."relations where rdb"."$"."system_flag=0";
$res_table_names_query = ibase_query($dbconnection, $get_table_names_query);
while ($row_table_names = ibase_fetch_object($res_table_names_query))
    print($row_table_names->TABLE_NAME);//alias used

Editor's note:
it is easier to use a backslash to protect the $-sign.
eg. "select rdb\$relation_name as TABLE_NAME from ..."
eric_cavalcanti at hotmail dot com 19-Jan-2002 12:11
Using BLOB

Insert BLOB:

 /* create blob */
$blob_id = ibase_blob_create();

 /* fill blob */
ibase_blob_add($blob_id, $var_datablob);

/* close new blob */
$blob_id_str = ibase_blob_close($blob_id);

/* insert into table  */
ibase_query("INSERT INTO BLOB_TABLE (ID, BLOB) VALUES (1, ?)",$blob_id_str);

Open BLOB:

/* query */
$set = ibase_query("SELECT BLOB FROM BLOB_TABLE WHERE ID = 1");

/* fetche a row */
$row = ibase_fetch_object($set);

/* open BLOB for read */
$blob_id = ibase_blob_open($row->BLOB);

/* get BLOB data */
$stringBLOB = ibase_blob_get($blob_id);

/* print BLOB */
echo $stringBLOB;

/* close new blob */

/* free result */
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