An easy trick to get the result of the left shift operation (<<), e.g.
15 << 2 = 15 * (2*2) = 60
15 << 3 = 15 * (2*2*2) = 120
15 << 5 = 15 * (2*2*2*2*2) = 480
and so on...
So it's:
(number on left) multiplied by (number on right) times 2.
The same goes for the right shift operator (>>), where:
(number on left) divided by (number on right) times 2 e.g.
15 >> 2 = (15/2)/2 = 7/2 = 3 (use floor values if result is in decimals).
35 >> 3 = (((35/2)/2)/2 = (17/2)/2 = 8/2 = 4