
(mongodb >=1.4.0)

MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeWriteCommandExecute a database command that writes


final public MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeWriteCommand ( string $db , MongoDB\Driver\Command $command , array $options = array() ) : MongoDB\Driver\Cursor

Executes the command on the primary server.

This method will apply logic that is specific to commands that write (e.g. » drop) and take the MongoDB server version into account. The "writeConcern" option will default to the corresponding value from the MongoDB Connection URI.

Note: This method is not intended to be used to execute » insert, » update, or » delete commands. Users are encouraged to use MongoDB\Driver\Manager::executeBulkWrite() for those commands.


db (string)

The name of the database on which to execute the command.

command (MongoDB\Driver\Command)

The command to execute.


Option Type Description
session MongoDB\Driver\Session

A session to associate with the operation.

writeConcern MongoDB\Driver\WriteConcern

A write concern to apply to the operation.


If you are using a "session" which has a transaction in progress, you cannot specify a "readConcern" or "writeConcern" option. This will result in an MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException being thrown. Instead, you should set these two options when you create the transaction with MongoDB\Driver\Session::startTransaction().


Returns MongoDB\Driver\Cursor on success.



版本 说明
PECL mongodb 1.4.4 MongoDB\Driver\Exception\InvalidArgumentException will be thrown if the "session" option is used in combination with an unacknowledged write concern.


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