
(PHP 7, PHP 8)


PHP 7 里,Throwable 是能被 throw 语句抛出的最基本的接口(interface),包含了 ErrorException


PHP 类无法直接实现 (implement) Throwable 接口,而应当去继承 Exception


Throwable {
/* 方法 */
abstract public getMessage ( ) : string
abstract public getCode ( ) : int
abstract public getFile ( ) : string
abstract public getLine ( ) : int
abstract public getTrace ( ) : array
abstract public getTraceAsString ( ) : string
abstract public getPrevious ( ) : Throwable
abstract public __toString ( ) : string

Table of Contents

User Contributed Notes

thisbug at foxmail dot com 13-Jan-2020 02:57
try {
// Code that may throw an Exception or Error.
} catch (Throwable $t) {
// Executed only in PHP 7, will not match in PHP 5.x
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Executed only in PHP 5.x, will not be reached in PHP 7

interface MyPackageThrowable extends Throwable {}

class MyPackageException extends Exception implements MyPackageThrowable {}

throw new MyPackageException();
mlocati at gmail dot com 09-Mar-2017 10:59
I wrote a simple script that prints out the Throwable and Exception tree for every PHP version.

You can find this script here:

And its output is here:
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